Nextiz- Best & Free Event Management Software Platform Online
In recent years, virtual events have become an increasingly popular way for businesses to connect with their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. However, creating a successful virtual event requires careful planning and execution. With the right virtual event management blueprint, businesses can ensure that their virtual event runs smoothly, engages their target audience, and drives results. In this article, we will explore the steps, ideas, and best virtual event platforms to help businesses create and execute a successful virtual event. We will also discuss how using a platform like Nextiz can help streamline the virtual event management process and ensure the best possible attendee experience. So, whether you are a seasoned virtual event planner or new to the game, read on to discover how you can create a virtual event management blueprint that drives results.

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Objectives

The first step in any event management process is to define your goals and objectives. This will help you determine the type of event you want to host and the audience you want to target. Some common goals for virtual events include:
  • Building brand awareness
  • Generating leads and sales
  • Educating your audience
  • Networking with industry professionals
Once you have defined your goals and objectives, you can start planning the specifics of your event.

Step 2: Plan Your Event Format and Agenda

The next step is to plan the format and agenda of your virtual event. This includes deciding on the type of event you want to host (e.g. webinar, conference, trade show, etc.), the duration of the event, and the agenda for each session. When planning your agenda, it's important to consider the time zones of your target audience. If you have attendees from different parts of the world, you'll need to ensure that your agenda accommodates everyone's schedules.

Step 3: Marketing and Promotion Strategies

Once you have your virtual event planned and set up, the next step is to promote it and generate interest among your target audience. Here are some marketing and promotion strategies to consider:
  • Social media marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to promote your event. Create engaging posts, use relevant hashtags, and run targeted ads to reach your audience.
  • Email marketing: Send out email invitations and reminders to your email list. Make sure your email is well-designed, has a clear call-to-action, and includes all the important details about the event.
  • Influencer marketing: Collaborate with influencers in your industry or niche to promote your event. This can help you reach a wider audience and increase your credibility.
  • Content marketing: Create valuable content related to your event and share it on your blog, social media, and email newsletter. This can help you attract more attendees and build buzz around your event.
  • Referral marketing: Encourage your current attendees to refer their friends and colleagues to your event. You can offer incentives or discounts for referrals.

Best Virtual Event Platforms

Now that you have a blueprint for virtual event management software, let's take a look at some of the best virtual event platforms available:
  • Nextiz: Nextiz is a comprehensive virtual event management platform that offers features like customizable event pages, live streaming, interactive tools, and networking opportunities. The platform also provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.
  • Hopin: Hopin is a popular virtual event platform that offers a range of features like live streaming, interactive sessions, virtual exhibitor booths, and networking opportunities. The platform also provides analytics and reporting capabilities.
  • vFairs: vFairs is a virtual event platform that offers features like customizable event pages, live streaming, and a variety of interactive tools to engage attendees. The platform also provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.
  • Zoom: While primarily known for video conferencing, Zoom also offers features like breakout rooms, screen sharing, and live polling that make it a viable option for hosting virtual events.
  • Remo: Remo is a virtual event management platform that offers features like virtual networking rooms, live streaming, and interactive tools. The platform also provides analytics and reporting capabilities.
Each of these platforms has its own unique features and strengths, so it's important to evaluate your needs and choose the platform that best suits your event goals.

Ideas to making your event a success

Now that you have a blueprint for virtual event management, let's take a look at some of the best virtual event platforms available:
  • Gamification: Adding a gaming element to your virtual event can increase attendee engagement and make your event more memorable. Consider incorporating games, quizzes, or interactive challenges into your virtual event to create a fun and competitive atmosphere.
  • Networking opportunities: Virtual events can lack the personal touch of in-person events, but there are still ways to foster networking opportunities. Consider setting up breakout rooms or chat rooms for attendees to connect with each other and network.
  • Interactive polls and surveys: Interactive polls and surveys can provide valuable feedback and insights from attendees while keeping them engaged during the event. Consider integrating live polls and surveys throughout your event to gather feedback and opinions.
  • Guest speakers and panels: Having industry experts or thought leaders as guest speakers or panelists can add value to your virtual event and attract attendees. Consider partnering with other companies or organizations to bring in guest speakers and panelists.
  • Virtual tours and demonstrations: If you're promoting a product or service, consider incorporating virtual tours or demonstrations into your event. This allows attendees to see your product or service in action and can increase their interest and engagement.
  • Live entertainment: Adding live entertainment to your virtual event can create a memorable experience for attendees. Consider hiring a virtual comedian, magician, or musician to perform during your event.
  • Personalized experiences: Providing personalized experiences for attendees can create a sense of exclusivity and increase engagement. Consider offering personalized recommendations or exclusive content for attendees based on their interests or behavior during the event.
  • Virtual gift bags: Sending virtual gift bags to attendees after the event is a great way to continue engagement and thank attendees for their participation. Consider including discounts, exclusive content, or branded merchandise in the gift bag.
By incorporating these creative ideas into your virtual event using the Virtual Event Management Blueprint, you can create a unique and engaging experience for your attendees. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and try new things to make your virtual event a success.


Creating a virtual event management blueprint is essential for the success of any virtual event, and with the right approach, businesses can create engaging and successful virtual events that drive results. By following the ideas and best practices discussed in this article and using a platform like Nextiz, businesses can streamline their virtual event management process and create events that engage their target audience and drive business results. Remember to prioritize attendee experience, choose the right virtual event platform, and promote your event effectively to maximize attendance and achieve your event goals.
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